Originally Posted by mattrixs
I last saw ROMEO MUST DIE (2000) on VHS 
That reminds me, I've got to see if a combo DVD/VHS player I have still works.
Anyway, about a week ago, Mrs, Drjohnrock and I saw
That Hagen Girl
from 1947 on DVD. It was a Christmas gift from me to her. It stars Shirley Temple (as a teenager, no singing or dancing) and Ronald Reagan (!) in the lead roles. I got it because (1) the Mrs. used to like Shirley Temple's early films, and (2) I thought it might be good for a few laughs, since it was included in Michael and Harry Medved's book
The Fifty Worst Films Of All Time. It isn't a great flick by any means but I wouldn't put it on a 50 worst list. Politics aside, I never thought much of Reagan's acting, but he does OK in this movie, even if he looks at times like he'd rather be facing a firing squad (he reportedly didn't like the film). Shirley does a good job in a mostly thankless role. There is a good performance by Lois Maxwell (later Miss Moneypenny in the James Bond films) in one of her first movie roles.