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Thread: La vs houston
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Old 12-09-2024, 01:07 AM   #2 (permalink)
Buckeye Randy
Music Addict
Join Date: Jun 2024
Posts: 329

Originally Posted by monicaregister View Post
Does la have more and better FM stations that play new music like country, hip hop, rock, latin, ect… vs Houston? Billboard material… which city will play more and greater billboard material music? Will people in la listen to better music than people in houston?
I like when a question inspires me to do a little research. Your question makes me wonder in a bigger picture about listening habits and who actually listens to the radio anymore. I know some people that listen to nothing but Pandora, Spotify or Sirus. (Do you remember Rock n Roll Radio?)

I found an article from earlier this year that talked about people listening to the radio, "People are still listening to radio, only not quite as much as in the past. Broadcast radio is a mature business that is capturing a significant 37% share of people's listening time".

That 37% is divided up between sports, news, music and other various programming.

I want to say (speaking with a broad brush), most people are getting their music from multiple sources and not just a kick ass FM station in a single city.

After a little more reading and connecting some dots...LA radio is more industry driven and Houston is more cultural driven. Based on that, I would prefer Houston because it would be more consumer friendly.

I totally didn't answer your question but I had fun reading a few articles! Any other questions you want me to muddy up?
Billy Don't Be A Porter
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