Everywhere, from time immemorial, the Word has been embodied by the bard, the troubadour, the griot. These wordsmiths, at once messengers and peacemakers, are the links with the forces of nature, the inexpressible divine, the memory of the ancients. It falls to them to maintain the realm of the collective soul.
Nowadays, these freethinkers and travellers are making the world their garden… like Kiya Tabassian, the virtuoso of Persian setar and Ablaye Cissoko, griot from Saint-Louis, Senegal.
Kiya Tabassian, Ablaye Cissoko, Patrick Graham (Constantinople) TRAVERSÉES (Iran, Senegal, Canada)
It's one thing to play for people who want to have an experience through music. And it's another to go somewhere and play for people who generally have an inhuman attitude.
Daniel Barenboim (Conductor)
Thank you for reaching out! This is a live music session featuring a band that uses music as a way to bring people together, not divide them.
We hope for an end to all wars and conflicts as soon as possible, so we can all come together to dance and celebrate life with live music. Peace.
Hoodna Orchestra
Hoodna Orchestra - Full LIVE Session at Shivta (Israel)
Manuelcha Prado is one of the most well-known troubadours of Andean music and doubtlessly one of the maestros of the Andean guitar, a particular style of traditional music in South America. He was born in Perú, in the Andean town of Puquio, Department of Ayacucho.
El Alisal - Manuelcha Prado y Luciano Quispe (Perú)
"Heyr himna smiður" is considered the oldest preserved Nordic hymn. The poem was composed by the chieftain Kolbeinn Tumason in 1208,
bandcamp: Árstíðir - Heyr himna smiður (Iceland)
Solomon Islands, also known simply as the Solomons, is an island country consisting of six major islands and over 900 smaller islands in Melanesia, part of Oceania, to the northeast of Australia.
not that the beautiful songs don't also make you think
The Choir of All Saints - Jisas Yu Holem Hand Blong Mi (Solomon Island, Melanesia)
Last Voices is the brainchild of 'music explorer' Anthony Copping, who began his adventures recording and filming the tribal voices of the South Pacific Islands over 15 years ago.
His work has resulted in the recording of over 1,000 hours of remote voices, and a number of record releases in over 35 territories. In 2001, the National Geographic Channel commissioned a documentary series following Anthony's journey into the world's jungles to capture the music and cultural spirit from peoples that many in the West knew little about. Described as "the most dangerous journey ever undertaken in the search of indigenous music." this critically acclaimed series continues to be broadcast in over 150 countries in over 25 languages.
Last voices - Ma'a Mera feat. Pascal Oritaimae (Solomon Island, Melanesia)
Jesous Ahatonhia is a Christmas carol in Wendish (the language of the Hurons), which was probably written by the Jesuit Jean de Brébeuf. The title means “Christ is born”. In the English-speaking world it is known as “Twas in the Moon of Wintertime” or Huron Carol. It was written in 1641 or 1642 and is considered the oldest Christmas carol in Canada, and the English version is particularly popular in Canada.
Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien - Iesous Ahatonnia (France)