Hehe H.I.M...I'm younger than you...and I'd still have more common scence to not post something like this just a question...did you ever acctually get tuition for the drums? Or did you think that you could just bash them as hard as you can to just seem like your good? I myself play the drums not for very long about 4-5 months I am 13 and I listen to most types of metal, now looking the part does not make you a rocker/metal head...when i go to the shops and stuff for christs sake i just wear a normal t-shirt and short jeans(baggy) im sure "Metal Heads" would wear something completely different (all though I am growing my hair just because i like it long) anyways, why would you post this when it was obviously stupid...Why would you buy your whole bands instruments and expect to sound good? so lets see 14...You couldnt have been working too long so max you could've made would've been bout $600...A basic drum kit in Australia is $400 so that buys you one instrument a normal accoustic youd be lucky to get at $200 so what else ya gunna get? One of those Wiggles microphones?
Please dont post absolute crap threads showing how much you spent on a band and left them and saying that you should be a single rocker...And you play drum?

you know how crap that would sound right? Are you even a good singer?
I could bag you till the cows come home but i got better stuff to do
Cya, Blainka
P.S: PeRfEcTtHrUsIlEnCe You have been a legend in this thread