Originally Posted by mabres
With Trump winning the elections, how will it impact the world, especially the situation in Ukraine? What do you think?
I think it will impact the world in many ways different ways......
Some of them I'm likely to find pretty unfortunate as someone who's in favor of continued Western hegemony and thinks that "isolationism" is a terrible and deeply parochial idea. It's hard to do justice to the true proportions of the scandal that are the pro-Putin Republicans. As I see it, it's as bad as Vichy France or something in terms of the scale of betrayal.
Everybody in Canada is terrified of the tariffs. The US is our main trade partner so it may really fuсk people's $hit up. Maybe Pierre P, our next PM, would be able to cut a deal...
As an "Israel firster," I genuinely don't know if I'm going to like this admin's Mideast policy. While some of the first Trump admin's moves on the Palestinian conflict felt like a bunch of car dealership guys trying their hand at international diplomacy, it also was pretty refreshing in the way it was not crippled by the (deeply stupid) received wisdom of Foggy Bottom. And he brokered the best thing that happened to the region at least since the 1978 Camp David Accords: the Abraham Accords. Many very smart people in the Gulf are celebrating his victory because they realize that he's overwhelmingly likely to want to boost and expand what is one of his signature achievements. I don't know how he feels about Bibi (I'm guessing still holding the grudge...) and how it's going to impact the admin's policy. If Kushner is out and the guy who's going to replace him is that Lebanese guy... Dunno. Not to mention that Trump's shall we say contempt for procedure is only likely to embolden Bibi's Orbanization of Israel. But if he tells the Ayatollas "cut out the proxies or you're finished" then it might be the best thing that happened to the region in half a century.
I hope that he is successful in smashing the taboo on mass deportations of illegal immigrants (and that our next PM takes a leaf out of his book). The time is nigh. Mr Trump, fortify that wall.
Of my support for his plan to "stop the chemical, physical and emotional mutilation" of kids I have said plenty... And will say plenty more! Once they start implementing it.