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Old 11-07-2024, 06:04 AM   #187 (permalink)
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I think I know what, to me, doesn't add up about your criticism. It's not necessarily that you fail to appreciate the lurid beauty of British tabloid journalism: while I myself happen to love it, no one is obliged to, and it's not a particularly successful example of this genre in any case.

It's the distinction you make between subject matter and writing, because a story like this ("trans rapist of two mouths off on Harry Potter writer") could ONLY EVER appear in a tabloid. It's not a story The Telegraph or Guardian or Times would stoop to cover. There's no non-tabloid way of writing up something like this.

So my criticism of the article is that it doesn't go anywhere near far enough. You say "It reads like a fanfiction written by a 14 year old tumblr girl. 'The sexy blone told the dark-haired broody hunk...'" while the problem is that it doesn't. Not really. I'd love to read a description of what the trans rapist looks like, maybe even a gratuitous reference to this or that aspect of life in prison. This is where all the fun is.

And yet, oh and yet...

Just because a story represents lurid and cruel gawking at something that doesn't meet non-tabloid media's standards of newsworthiness doesn't mean that it cannot offer us a snapshot worth seeing. Does this particular story you took issue with open a window into the cruel and exploitative nature of tabloid media? Of course! Obviously! Does it tell us something about the social phenomenon in question (trans)? IMO yes it does.
"In postwar Europe, on the whole, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and equally absurd hatreds rooted in ancient religious texts became a disgraced and dead relic buried in the ruins of the Third Reich. But in the postwar Middle East, these notions persisted in elements of radical nationalist and Isl?mist politics."
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