What artists do new or mostly new material when playing live?
The most prominent example I can think of is The Fall. For the most part, when you saw them, they played mostly material from the latest album, some from the album before that, and very little older material. And what older material they did play almost never included their most revered older tunes like Fiery Jack.
I always found The Fall's approach in that regard refreshing, though I can see how it would put a lot of fans off. When most people spend their hard earned money for a concert, they want to hear the songs they're most familiar with.
When I saw Lou Reed on tour in support of his 1989 New York album, he took a King Solomon approach: the first half of the show was tunes from that album while the second half was older material. I was glad that some of the older material was from 1987's Mistrial, an album which a lot of people dislike but I don't.