Originally Posted by Marie Monday
??? I hate the gym mate
My mistake!
Originally Posted by jadis
You have to be very rich to match at home what even a mediocre gym offers in terms of weight lifting, or at least know a thing or two about the equipment, have a spare room etc etc. And since I'm not only one of the poors but also not a professional sportsman I need good instructors to not get injured. Even after years and years, I like having professionals to monitor my max sets, show me new exercises etc.
The social thing... It depends. Some days I enjoy it, others not so much. Sometimes you meet cool people, other days you feel you're surrounded by dullards. My current gym doesn't have music, which is amazing. I used to work out at some place that played the worst playlists of all time. There was one with trans remixes of postpunk classics (A Forest, This is Not a Love Song etc) which is what they would've played for me at Guantanamo.
We have a gym at work that rarely gets used by the employees. The room has $30,000 (a number from 15 years ago) worth of equipment that is basically just collecting dust. I've thought about using it but when work is over I'm ready to go home.
The older I get, the less physically demanding my job has become! If there were any logic in this world I would be digging ditches right now.
Is laziness an addiction? Count me in.