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Old 09-28-2024, 04:41 AM   #666 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by Buckeye Randy View Post
Jadis and MM, what is the attraction of the gym? Is it a social thing or is it just impossible to exercise at home?
You have to be very rich to match at home what even a mediocre gym offers in terms of weight lifting, or at least know a thing or two about the equipment, have a spare room etc etc. And since I'm not only one of the poors but also not a professional sportsman I need good instructors to not get injured. Even after years and years, I like having professionals to monitor my max sets, show me new exercises etc.

The social thing... It depends. Some days I enjoy it, others not so much. Sometimes you meet cool people, other days you feel you're surrounded by dullards. My current gym doesn't have music, which is amazing. I used to work out at some place that played the worst playlists of all time. There was one with trans remixes of postpunk classics (A Forest, This is Not a Love Song etc) which is what they would've played for me at Guantanamo.
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