Music Banter - View Single Post - How can we get a hiphop/Rip group to perform at our nudist campground?
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Old 09-23-2024, 01:44 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mehim View Post
Yea, we know it is an odd question but let me explain.
My husband and I own a seasonal nudist campground in Iowa and we try to host interesting events on the weekends. We have had car, motorcycle, gun shows and a few sporting events. We have been able to hire bands from country to rock and they have had had no problem with performing in from of a mostly naked audience and most have performed naked as well. Usually, they play the first set clothed and when they come out on the stage naked for the second set it really gets the crowd going and sets the mood for the rest of the night. We will admit that all of our residents and most of the general public coming throw the gate are as white as snow so having some naked black bodies up on the stage would be different than the norm.
Feel free to comment or ask anything you want but we are really interested in what you think of the idea.
Always wanted to know what else is going down in Iowa besides the famous writers workshop... Now we know.
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