Music Banter - View Single Post - What do you think of this generation of music?
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Old 08-31-2024, 11:42 AM   #209 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: A suburb of Stockholm, Sweden.
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Originally Posted by 90'sMusicKid View Post
There's still good music out there just wont EVER be played on the radio. The people that keep feeding the radio money are too brain dead to listen to any music that takes a thought process to make.
I believe that there *is* a reason for the obvious fact that more and more people in our western societies (I am born in and currently living in Sweden) becoming "braindead" is the nefarious influence of the irrational philosophies with which young people for many past decades have been indoctrinated with.

The modern philosophies (There are many of them, but the virtually all have in common that they are derivatives of the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. His was the granddaddy and origin of virtually all the philosophies which have come into existence during the modern era. For example, Hegelianism, Marxism, pragmatism, existentialism and the rest.) have been penetrating our educational institutions more and more as time goes by. Therefore it is perfectly logical that more and more young people become trained to be utter dummies as time has gone by.
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