Originally Posted by Buckeye Randy
The Stranglers first five releases were all top 10 in the UK but didn't crack the top 200 in the US. Hence...I only knew the heavy hitters that appeared on punk compilations.
Listening to Rattus Norvegicus from start to finish as I type.
I love them all, with the fifth (their misunderstood masterpiece) being one of my favorite albums of all times and fourth and third not far behind. Plus album number six is also very good and so are a few songs on album number seven.
I only got into them many years after Hugh left and by then you had access to the entire disgoraphy on the internet.
Whenever I feel like talking Stanglers on here there's always someone who's responsive. If memory serves, I registered on this board during Covid to talk Stranglers.
I could be misremembering but I think someone from MB even was at one their East Coast gigs in the early 1980s.