A Message To Love ON VINYL
A little update about the album. I plan to press the record, along with the two singles on vinyl. The reason for this is twofold:
1. I want to put the physical release of it as merch on Bandcamp and other services of this sort. Digital releases are good and all, but sites like this thrive on selling merchandise. Having vinyl copies up for sale would greatly help me spread my wings and make my site more interesting for any potential audience in the future
2. Holding a vinyl disc with my music on it in my hands. I mean, this one explains itself, doesn't it? The absolute primitive cool of experiencing your music pressed onto the black and juicy vinyl is a dream of any musician at any stage of their career. So please please please please help me make it happen
In order to press the first 100 copies of the record, as well as printing the cover sleeve and accompanying booklet, I started a kickstarter campaign. I just launched it today. If you would be so kind to back me, I would be in the seventh heaven. 10 or 50 dollars is not that much to ask from one person, but for me to spend 800$ on pressing those vinyls would be a choice between eating for a month or not.
Anyway, here I provide the link to the campaign, and I hope you like the music enough to actually help me accomplish this beautiful dream.