A song by the Ukrainian band Zvintar (styles: dark country, alt country, folk rock).
I translated the text into English. I tried to keep the context of the song text. But it's difficult for me, and I don't have much time for it, so I'm far from a high-quality translation, I think.
The song is also interesting because in the first verse of the chorus, almost every word contains the letter and sound "ch". This is about the possibilities and flexibility of the Ukrainian language.
Човен (The boat)
Все йшло за планом
(It had all gone according to plan)
Нас було троє
(there were three of us)
У нас були маски
(Bandit masks were put on us)
І трохи зброї
(And we had some weapons)
Один бере касу
(One of us stole money from the cash desk)
Другий на варті
(Second standed on the lookout)
Третій на старті
(The third was at the start)
Але щось пішло не так
(But something went wrong)
Стрілянина, крики
(Shooting, screams..)
Біжимо у тумані
(We run in the fog)
Нам треба за ріку
(We need to the other side of the river)
Потягнувся землею
Слід кривавий
До переправи
(A trail of blood stretched across the ground in the direction of the crossing)
Ей, чоловіче на човні, чи чуєш
(Hey, man on the boat, can you hear me?)
Пливи-но сюди
(Sail here)
Сріблом заплачу я
(I will pay in silver)
Бери, що хочеш
(take what you want)
Не шкода нічого
(I will give everything without regretting anything)
Пусти на човен
(Take (us) on a boat)
Річкою душа
Попливе пропаща
(A lost soul will float down the river (or across the river))
На тому березі
(On the other side)
Буде краще
(Will be better)
Є мені чи ні
(Is there for me)
Місце у човні
(place in the boat?)
Чоловік на човні
(Thee man on the boat )
Каже мало місця
(said that there was little space.)
Ось ти і ти, двоє
(There you are and you, two.)
Ви можете сісти
(You can get into)
А у тебе, чувак
(But you, man,)
Несерйозна рана
(you don't have a serious wound)
Тобі ще рано
(It's too early for you)
І від берега він
Відштовхнув щосили
(He pushed away from the shore with all his might)
Я лишився стояти
(I remained standing (on the shore))
Вони поплили
(They sailed )
Я почув у тумані собак
(I heard dogs in the fog)
Та й годі
(And nothing else)
Кінець пригоді
(The end of the adventure)
Добре, хлопці, що він
Вас устиг забрати
(It's good, guys, that he managed to pick you up)
А мене підлатали
Й кинули за грати
(And I was patched up (treated)
and thrown behind bars)
Звідси не попливеш на човні
(You can't saile by boat from here)
Усе чітко
(all clear)
Завтра буде суд
І буде вирок, звісно
(There will be a trial tomorrow
And there will be a verdict, of course)
Варіантів немає
Присудять крісло
(There are no options, the sentence will be the (electric) chair)
Електричний струм
(Electric current)
Та я знаю, що він
(But I know what it is)
Мій квиток на човен
(My boat ticket)
2 (horus)