Music Banter - View Single Post - Rishi Sunak says 'a man is a man and a woman is a woman'
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Old 12-14-2023, 03:15 PM   #112 (permalink)
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Marie, your concern is noted.

The only bubble I'm familiar with is the one where fashionable nonsense like trans ideology has the greatest purchase: university campuses. For years, my attitude to all this was not particularly different from that of my peers, meaning I obediently mouthed all the shibboleths. I also have always been well disposed to those trans people I knew IRL, Montreal is one of the most queer friendly cities in the world (except in recent years lesbians have largely dissapeared it seems, wonder what's up with that) and I'm proud of that. Finally, I love reading gender theory and queer writing, from Genet to Andrea Long Chu. My literary taste is rudiculously gay.

What intervened is reality. When I see someone who's clearly an incel who has retained every drop of his bottomless resentment of women as he transitioned, I can't pretend that my concern is about his feelings and pronouns. No, my concern is about the women who have to share a gas station toilet with this freak. For me that burst the bubble I was in. After that I started reading up on puberty blockers, what is actually happening in the Canadian prison system and all the rest of it.

I still think there are trans people who are great, who are real individuals with their own stories and who don't just recite the ideological script.

Last edited by jadis; 12-14-2023 at 03:21 PM.
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