Originally Posted by Lauri131
Why I call it metal opera
Originally Posted by Lauri131
Noitalinna Huraa! - Avaruuslaiva
...You may not shine like a star, but twinkle into the darkness and hope that someone is there to see it--
That is a nice sentiment. I'll try to remember it for someone who might need to hear it someday.
Avaruuslaiva.... Spaceship? If this is not Finnish I'm gonna feel really stupid after posting this. In that song the language itself is musical. Apparently I have never heard it before, at least not so clearly well-spoken.
Funny that this should come up here because the 'hero' in the story that my sweetie is trying to write is Hungarian, and he has educated me about the history of the Finno-Ugric language group. He stresses that Hungarian and Finnish are
very distantly related and one can never be confused with the other

But again it sounds beautiful in that video.
So. Thinking about that part of the world brought one of my favorite female singer-songwriters to mind. Daughter of the leader of Swedish punk band Dag Vag (Day Road?) Lykke Li, born Li Lykke Timotej Zachrisson. Acoustic this time instead of an ear bashing techno remix like I've posted before.
Lykke Li - I Know Places