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Old 11-24-2023, 07:55 AM   #32587 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 11

Originally Posted by Roguette View Post
I tend to have a hard time with theatrics, probably haven't attended enough live performances to get it. Without outing too much personal info I'll say that as a Finn there is a pretty high chance I'll eventually come around.
Her voice is indeed undeniable, gave a look apparently she dropped a Christmas album this month! From a quick listen it's also in the high-drama side of things.


Posting about the track Broadcast - Arc Of the Journey on another thread made me think of this Noitalinna Huraa! - Avaruuslaiva track. I've really been into their music for a couple of years. Sadly the singer Sari Peltoniemi died this summer, the appeal of their songs is heavily on her writing.
Here's the opening lines:

"Kun menet käymään ulkona on loppukesän yö, kuulet kuinka outo tuuli huokaisee. Se on tuuli joka pyyhkii kuuta marsin lakaisee, kun se ylitsesi kulkee palelee."

Losing about 78% of the poetry it translates to

--When you go outside it's a late summer night, you hear the sigh of a strange wind. It's the wind that wipes, sweeps a moon of Mars, when it passes over you, it's freezing.--
A little note on the poeticism, "it's freezing" isn't "Palelee". That word is in some sense a passive form but implies a person feeling cold... she plays with the perspective, which builds into the hooks (not in the post) lyrics about loneliness/connection and cosmic insignificance. The word (palelee) also has a tinge of despair and when said on it's own is usually thought of as a whimper, this is enhanced by the lonely setting she's laid.--

The finishing lines on the other hand I find an inspiring bit of imagery. And is also how I feel writing silly little posts online

"Et ehkä loista tähden lailla, mutta tuikit pimeyteen ja toivot että joku näkee sen"

--You may not shine like a star, but twinkle into the darkness and hope that someone is there to see it--
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