Originally Posted by jadis
[..... the Stranglers....
EXCELLENT almost-Punk 70s band, VERY Punkish but not labeled that way. Love the rhythm and bass guitars.
Originally Posted by Lauri131
I'm not really cultured on trance, or matter of fact any club-oriented genre. That track (above post) was very hypnotic and promising.
As an exception I recently enjoyed this project DJ-kicks, from HAAi. It compiles a diverse bunch of hard hitting tracks into a strong and clean mix. Found it through the inclusion of the track lähetys/transmission from Pan Sonic, their music has captivated me this year.
I'm not cultured either...at least according to a couple of people who called me an idiot for saying something that didn't match their 'training'

but I'm not the idiot that gets dehumanized by losing focus of how to
just enjoy what one loves. I just develped my personal taste back in the early 2000s when elecronica was trying to break out for real. In fact those were the days of the best trance/house and all of that and you'll mostly only find me loving 'classic' tech-music from 10 to 30 years ago. But that's probably just me getting older. Although I do like some of the newer stuff.
I probably posted this song (actually 2 songs) below in the electronica threads, but it's so classic that it came to mind in the middle of typing the above. This would drive non-electronica lovers batty

(and yes video this is where I stole my avatar from)..... '
Always.... remember... the Music....'