Originally Posted by Lauri131
First post on the forum, hi all 
After scouring through the strange world of online music streams, discords, and large social media sites, it's comforting to find a discussional, slow-moving place....
Yes it is and so far no one (that I know of) has complained about the 'slow pace'

I would use 'discord' to describe so much else in the online social world.
Currently listening to this 'light epic' production by Gothic group Nox Arcana - Eternal Champions
Ordo Dracul (the image in the video) - Order of the Dragon, founded by Sigismund King of Hungary (by marriage) and Croatia (by another marriage) and then the second Bohemian to become Holy Roman Emperor (before the second Hapsburg dynasty).
Famous member of Ordo Dracul: Prince Vlad II of Wallachia who took his surname Dracul from the Order.... and then fathered Vlad III Draculea (son of Dracul) or Dracul-a (according to my sweetie who has been there).... Dracula. Vlad the Impaler.
Answer to the riddle near the end? Beginning at about 6:19.