Originally Posted by Trollheart
Okay so most of the time you don't really need to know what's going on in one Batman or Superman title to read another one. They'll have continuity in common generally but won't actually connect with each other that much.
But if you're really that worried about it I'd use Comic Vine. The site has a search function but it's kind of annoying to use so I'd just Google f.ex. "Batman volume 2" or "legends of the dark knight volume 1". The issues will have the date published right under the cover.
And also not all comics are in the same continuity. It can be confusing but there's not really an easy way to know without Googling a specific thing. A rule of thumb though is if it's a monthly ongoing title then it's in continuity and if it's a graphic novel then there's a good chance it isn't.
Like, The Dark Knight Returns is not in continuity with the mainline Batman comics. It's in its own universe (literally, the universe has its own specific number) along with all the other Frank Miller-written Batman comics like the sequels DKRII AND DKRIII, All-Star-Batman, and Batman: Year One.
Except Batman: Year One is a graphic novel collected from the first few issues of the Batman ongoing monthly title when it was rebooted in the 80s so it is in continuity with both the Miller-verse comics and mainline comics even though they're not in continuity with each other.
And don't get me started on the ****ing reboots and what they mean for continuity. It's just honestly less of a hassle to worry about continuity all that much cause Chip Zdarsky, the current Batman writer, has not read every Batman comic ever and is just writing the story he wants to write.