Music Banter - View Single Post - Rishi Sunak says 'a man is a man and a woman is a woman'
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Old 11-09-2023, 06:59 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Marie Monday View Post
No it really isn't the truth. I really see it as the most organic way forward, as I've tried to explain, especially since many people use this new flexibility to be unconventional with gender, which blurs the line further. I don't think you're too categorical; you're being too theoretical. In practice, as I've said before, we use 'woman' differently in different contexts (law, social interactions, medicine etc) and treating those all the same just won't do. There are categories, but there is not a single mode of categorisation. I think your nifty little theorising (and I've been there, except I did accept trans people) simply doesn't reflect the reality of how we think about and use gender.
Good, we're getting to the nub of the matter. There are two things I believe you don't take into account.

1) The tension between the function of laws as broad brush preventive measures and the commendable desire they be as reflective of the diversity of our dreams and desires

2) The political reality that once a sex-denialist, gender ID-based definition takes root in one institution or field, lobbyists and pressure groups say "that's a precedent!" and apply ****ing nuclear levels of pressure to extend this definition into others. To be disabused of the illusion where this is not happening I recommend reading up on how power works and how politics works. For useful primers on how these work in this particular domain, you could do worse than Helen Joyce's Trans and Katheleen Stock's Material Girls.

except I did accept trans people
Depends on what you mean by accept. I accept they exist, I'm unfailingly polite to them IRL (hell, even supportive when it's someone I have a positive opinion of), I believe they should be protected from discrimination in areas such as employment (for instance, the Trump admin on military service was unacceptable). But in a liberal democracy, the right to swing your fist ends where someone else's face begins. In a liberal democracy (in life, I would say), you don't get to compel anyone to share your view of yourself, which is the explicit and unstated goal of trans activism.

Last edited by jadis; 11-09-2023 at 08:17 AM.
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