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Thread: It's the news
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Old 11-06-2023, 08:12 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre View Post

Lmao. Here's just a small sample of what Jadis has posted on SCD.

But the narcissistic entitlement to invade women's spaces dripping from her every word is, in my view, deeply revealing of what swaths of the M to F crowd are really about, which is to say an aggressive men's rights movement.
MTFs reek of male entitlement. They sound not at all like women and a lot like that which they claim to abhor.
But being able to say that 2+2=4 is not hate. When you see a person with a dick and sexual interest in women demanding to be labeled a lesbian and let into female spaces, it can be tricky to keep a straight face.
Calling guys with dicks "women" is an example of insane mental gymnastics but there's cultural conditioning that renders you oblivious to it.
But yeah, I'm the gatekeeper.
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