Music Banter - View Single Post - Rishi Sunak says 'a man is a man and a woman is a woman'
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Old 10-11-2023, 05:14 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Anyway for my money the most interesting author in that thumbnail is Kathleen Stock, a philosopher of the analytic persuasion.

This lucidly argued book is probably the best thing I've read from the British gender critical feminists. Will be posting bits and pieces here.

We are set up to have certain expectations about the people called ‘she’ or ‘her’: for instance, that they will on average be more physically vulnerable and less sexually aggressive than the people called ‘he’ or ‘him’. The psychological effect of these expectations really becomes obvious only where an exception proves the rule: that is, where, unusually, expectations are set up and then flagrantly flouted within a single piece of prose. A good example comes from the reporting of the trial of trans woman Karen White, eventually convicted for sexual assaults on female prisoners while placed in a female jail. The prosecutor was reported in newspapers as having said, of the defendant: ‘Her penis was erect and sticking out of the top of her trousers.’ This memorable sentence spells out in stark detail a fact often figuratively concealed by the use of ‘woman’, ‘she’ and ‘her’.
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