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Old 08-05-2023, 07:21 AM   #1 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Posts: 463
Default Is The Hurt Song that I wrote a good song? :)

I wrote this song while writing about a Fictional Music band. One of the Band Members tried to sell out their Manager for $5,000, :O one Band Member had sex with his Bandmate's girlfriend, ouch! :O

I wonder if this song, which I aptly called,"The Hurt Song, is a good song.

You really hurt me. I loved you like a Brother and you stabbed me in my heart. The betrayal I feel from you is soul crushing. I thought you loved me. I would never have done the unspeakable betrayal you did to me. It's always loved ones betrayal that hurts the most. This would have hurt badly if a complete stranger had done this to me, but YOU? NO! NO! NO! How could you do it? I trusted you, I lived with you, I willingly ate food and drank drinks you gave me without a moment's hesitation. The pain I feel over this is unbearable.

This hurts, this hurts real bad. Betrayal of a brother.

I would have done anything for you. I would have laid my life on the line to save yours. I would have given you my last penny if you really needed it. I'm not so sure you would have done the same thing for me after this dastardly thing you did to me. We were Friends and Brothers. How could you? How could you?

This hurts, this hurts real bad. The betrayal of a Brother.

I sometimes wonder if I should have ever met you. Had I never met you, I wouldn't be in this tortured pain right now.

This hurts, this hurts real bad. The betrayal of a Brother."

Last edited by Karice; 08-05-2023 at 08:18 PM.
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