Band t-shirts - UK reccommended sellers wanted
I have several band t-shirts that are getting old and a bit threadbare now...ok for milling around the house in on a Sunday afternoon, but, not much else.
Replacing them, or indeed buying new ones, is proving an utter nightmare.
For the original t-shirts, on the rare occasions they actually come up on Ebay or Etsy, they go for ***silly*** money.
I am happy to buy bootlegs/reproductions, but, eithor the designs aren't right or they are of a low quality that doesn't survive more than 2 or 3 times in the wash.
So, I'm after reccommendations...
The key points for me....
* Must be in the UK - I've seen some US sellers with stuff I'd buy, but, the postage is utterly horrendous these days (Trump can be blamed, at least in part for that).
* The t-shirts must be of a decent thickness/quality.
* I'm fine with bootlegs as long as the designs are correct, or at least close.
* T-shirts I'm after would be described as indiepop c86 / shoegaze etc.
I'm also interested in any company that is willing to print a t-shirt from an existing t-shirt.
I've tried pretty much everyone locally but, nobody will touch them citing copyright. Does anyone know of a firm that will do this and not care about copyright issues?
T-shirts I'd love to replace (I'd buy others of bands I like even if I didn't already have) include / my top 3 would be...
Slowdive - Just For A Day - Long sleeve black t-shirt with design print on front, back & arm.
Sarah Records - white "cherry red cherries" t-shirt with thick, red, lower case font.
Allo Darlin' - Navy t-shirt with yellow "telephone" print design.