Originally Posted by SGR
I've looked through the posts and it appears that someone deleted them. They're not there anymore. So no dice on that front. But your obsession with this 'sealioning' thing (which no one other than you has mentioned, by the way), and your constant links to its Urban Dictionary definition is just a narrative that you've chosen to explain the reason for his ban, no different than anyone else claiming it's because he 'took the bait' and antagonized a mod. It's just a subjective interpretation.
Again, Frown said he was banned for 'longterm assh0lery'.
Look, dumb dumb, I keep linking that because I don't expect people to know what sealioning is and don't expect people who were not having that conversation to have any insight into that conversation.
I certainly wouldn't expect you who was not there to remember any supposedly deleted posts of bannable responses I never saw while I was furiously posting and also have no memory of because they probably never existed.
You keep mentioning long term *******ry as if it bolsters your argument when it would speak more to mine since sealioning is hard to detect without long term context, such as multiple instances of him doing what I accused him of, which I did accuse him of at the time.
Dumb dumb.