Music Banter - View Single Post - Donald Trump Has Been Indicted
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Old 06-10-2023, 07:35 PM   #60 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Originally Posted by Lisnaholic View Post
Although we can agree about various musical enthusiasms, Psy-Fi, I fear that we are hopelessly on opposite sides of the divide in US politics.

elph and Batlord may agree with the above, but to me, that seems to be a completely inaccurate description of Trump's indictment. I prefer this explanation:-

Someone who appears to have committed a crime is accused of the crime by the law enforcement authorities.

No malign, undefined "they", so beloved of conspiracy theorists; no Trump exceptionalism. Just the application of the rules about classified documents and obstructing justice. As many commentators have mentioned, "If you or I had done what Trump did, we would have been in jail long ago." Which admittedly means that Trump has been treated exceptionally: not the victim of a political witch-hunt, though, but with extra-patient, kid-glove handling by the authorities.
So you really think that after Russiagate, after the findings of the Durham report, after it's been revealed that the US intelligence operatives lied about Hunter Biden's laptop being "Russian disinformation" (resulting in censorship of the subject matter in social media), in the leadup to an election, and after two impeachments that what we're seeing here is just: "No one is above the law"?

Sorry Lisna, I think we're watching different movies. The amount of corrupt crooks and criminals in the United States government (we could just use the warmongers who lied us into Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians as a starting point), and Trump is being pursued for mishandling classified documents? I'm totally fine with someone believing this case is weak or trivial, but being in full support of it regardless and hoping the heaviest hammer comes down because they hate Trump, but to pretend that it isn't politically motivated and is completely and totally unbiased is pretty short-sighted.

Perhaps Trump can use the Hillary Clinton/James Comey "lack of criminal intent in mishandling classified information" defense?

Last edited by SGR; 06-10-2023 at 08:08 PM.
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