Originally Posted by poetictragedy
The Used are my favorite band and I bought the new cd the day it came out not because I had great expectations for the album but because I love the band. My first thoughts of the cd was that it was junk but after listening to the cd a few times i came around to a few songs such as soundeffects and overdramatics, listening, I'm a fake, let it bleed and all that I got. I am a fan of the older more screamo stuff such as choke me and box full of sharp objects so for anyone like me who enjoyed the harder songs this cd will definitely dissapoint you. If you liked the noise and kisses and blue and yellow type songs you'll love it. The main thing I didn't like was how Bert can actually sing really good now and his screaming on the new album which is scarce and far between is not half as good as on the first album.
As a long time Used fan..well.. all of 4 years:P I totally agree... I got the cd as soon as it came out, and after hearing Take It Away, i was expecting something really good... Its very differnt... but there are about 5 or 6 tracks on there that are gold.
However, nothing compares to the Self Titled cd... that was simply incredible. Im still yet to find a song that effects me more then "The Taste Of Ink"