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Old 05-10-2023, 07:13 PM   #78795 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by innerspaceboy View Post
Friends, I'm pleased to share that I have really good news for a change on my career front.

I've just received confirmation that I've been hired as a Federal employee for the position I'd applied for back on Jan 20 to work as a Claims Examiner for the Veterans Benefits Administration.

My start date is June 5. (The day my benefits expire!)

It will be challenging, but I'm going to do my very best to master the new role.
Ah that's brilliant ISB! Knew they wouldn't be able to pass you up. See? The gods do sometimes smile on those who deserve it. Made up for you. Well done!

Originally Posted by WWWP View Post
I am trying to work something out relating to my job about which I could use some candid feedback. I’m unsure whether my instincts are hyper-reactive to certain situations in a way that may cause me to figuratively see things that aren’t there, or if I am right to trust my gut and intuition, which has so far served me well.

How would you react to seeing a coworker ask a child if they can “keep a secret” before sneaking them a piece of candy? Say this coworker is familiar with the child, i.e. not a stranger.

How would you feel/what would your reaction be?
When you say a child, what age are we talking? If you say he or she is giving them candy I'm assuming not a teenager. In which case I would certainly think it's an odd thing to say to a child, but giving them the candy makes it a little more worrying. How well do you know this co-worker? Can you approach them with your concerns, or is there anyone else you can ask to see if it's worth escalating? Any history? I don't actually think you're being hyper-reactive, I think you're being sensible and potentially protective.
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