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Old 05-01-2023, 04:32 PM   #113 (permalink)
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Default More Thoughts On Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

More Thoughts On Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

There will be minor spoilers later on in this post.

Man oh man oh man oh man oh man, this sequel ****ing rules. I'm not talking just a great game, I'm not talking just an improvement from the previous title, I'm talking great ****ing game. From my first impressions post, you already should know how the game kind of gets going and what sort of things you have available to you. And even at the time, I was like "yeah, this game is a great game." But, as I've spent more time with it, I have come to the conclusion that every single little part of this game whether it's the new skill tree, the way combat has been refined, the environments, hell just the graphics alone are breathtaking at times, and just everything in between has been reworked or improved to a perfected state.

I think the last time I felt this strongly about a sequel was when I played Middle Earth: Shadow of War and subsequently finished it 100%. That is another fine example of what it means to take what worked about its predecessor, and simply improving it to the max and adding things that don't hurt its integrity, but instead gradually improves it without even realizing that the improvement needed to be made. I said this before as well, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a great game, but now that I have seen what improvements have been made for its sequel, it's hard to go back and play it now. Thankfully I did a full playthrough right before this one came out so I won't be needing to play it for a while if ever again.

I am doing my best in this post to keep away from spoiling too much after giving a good look into the start of the game in my previous posts because it is simply not the same as coming face to face to it in the game. There have been several upon several moments in my time with this game where I simply either had to stop because I was so engaged with it, or got really really into it to the point that I nearly fell off my chair. It's been a very long time since I had this feeling for a game to the point that I really do want to try and complete it in its entirety. The only games that I can think of in recent times that had a same or similar effect would have to be both Elden Ring and Hogwarts Legacy, both of which I have talked to death about. I love both dearly.

As far as Star Wars games are concerned, I think this could easily be the best Star Wars single play experience we've ever gotten. It succeeds even the likes of KOTOR and KOTOR II, and both of those games respectively are great games, and I have a deep love for them. But even I have to admit that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor hits too many good notes for me not to consider it better and even better than a lot of recent releases. That sounds crazy to say, and maybe I'm overselling it a little bit, but this is genuinely not just a great game, but a great sequel, and well worth your time if you just didn't get what you wanted out of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

My Xbox app tells me that I'm sitting right around the 9 hour mark as far as gameplay time goes, but I don't think that's very indicative of where I am in the game because I spent a lot of time on the first real open planet that it's simply impossible to gauge where I am story wise. Let's just say I'm early on. But that leads into my next point of "holy **** there is a lot of stuff to do". And I want to add to that by saying that this isn't like Assassins Creed or games like that where the collecting aspect gets stale or boring. In fact, each time I have gone off the beaten path, the reward has always been worth it. Whether it's a really cool cosmetic for Cal and BD, or a health upgrade. I'd say going everywhere you can on the maps is a good idea. The cosmetics are really nice too and adds a nice individuality to your character instead of looking like everybody else's version of Cal. You can have a beard and long hair if you want, or just short crew cut and a beard. The choice is yours once you find the cosmetics that you like.

In those 9 hours of playtime, I have also taken a lot of screenshots. Simply because I want to be able to look back at this post once I finish the game and just be able to see visually what I saw and how the game progressed. Lemme tell ya though, these screenshots don't do the game justice. It is absolutely beautiful and really should be played on your own time. But these will just give you another good idea as to what the game looks like. Keep in mind I've had literally no performance or graphical issues aside from the occasional hiccup.

The images below contain minor spoilers

As you can see, I'm having an absolute blast with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Had you told me that this game would be quickly one of my favorites a few years ago when they were slightly teasing bringing back the single player Star Wars experience, I probably would've laughed. But from the get go, even with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, I enjoyed the game despite it having some obvious flaws. I'm not too overly critical on games in general, but I can usually tell if a game wins or loses, and I would be surprised if this game in particular is not up for some kind of award. It would definitely take my choice for game of the year despite having said that about Hogwarts Legacy earlier this year. Hey, I didn't know this game would be this good. I haven't had this much fun with a game since Elden Ring, Hogwarts, and even Breath of the Wild to an extent. Which, speaking of which, I am all prepared for Tears of the Kingdom, I just need to wait for release day. Until then, I'm going to finish everything I can in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor before I truly let it go.

Play this damn game, it's ****ing great.
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