Originally Posted by djchameleon
Everyone thinks this is what he's getting in trouble for but it's NOT exactly that. He's getting in trouble for being cheap and using campaign finances to pay off a hooker, well porn star. That's where he got himself in trouble. If he would have just used his own money to do it he wouldn't be in trouble. He used campaign finances to do it breaking campaign finance laws and that's what got him in trouble. Being a cheap tight wad which is hilarious.
Thank you for clarifying the legal issue at the heart of the hush money case, dj. It's not just "paying off a hooker" as Batlord describes it: it is campaign finance (and tax?) fraud: a crime that sent M Cohen to prison.
After Mueller and two impeachments, it's understandable to wonder if the rule of law will catch up with Trump, but those who are too eager to paint the Dems or the justice system as too weak are unwittingly giving credence to the notion that Trump is untouchable.
Originally Posted by Trollheart
This is my view, too. In terms of slight hyperbole, you could say Trump is the biggest mass-murderer of his own people in history. Plenty of presidents sent their boys (and girls) off to war, but this was different. This was a man who should have been leading the country and doing all he could to save as many of - let's face it - his voters as possible, yet he ignored it, denied it, pretended it didn't exist, pretended it was no big deal, and DIRECTLY through his example contributed to the deaths of over a million Americans. For that alone, he should never be let within a hundred miles of the Oval Office ever again. What he did was unprecedented, and if he somehow gets re-elected then it only proves that the American people are dumber than the dumbest monkeys in any zoo you wish to name.
Oh, and of course, let's not forget his attempted pusch of January 6.

Thanks Trollheart! I appreciate that you share my perspective on this issue, which has largely been forgotten by the mainstream media because of the flurry of their day-to-day headline hunting. "History will show..." is a rather over-used expression, but I hope that the history books will make clear the cost of Trump's fatally mismanaged response to Covid. Those history books will prob be banned in the USA, but at least the rest of the world will know what went on.