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Old 04-15-2023, 08:43 AM   #44 (permalink)
Lisnaholic to hear...
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Well, at least we agree that justice is being real slow to catch up with Trump, and the hush money case isn't the most serious of his crimes. I don't have much info about the legal scrutiny on other US politicians over sex scandals and such, but doesn't it go on all the time?
Yes, too little too late on the justice front, but current prosecuters, A Bragg, F Willis, J Smith all seem to be advancing atm, so that's why I'm hopeful. Perhaps I put too much trust in CNN, but it does have fact based content: when it reports a tornado, there's been a tornado. When it reports mounting legal pressure, I'm gonna accept that too.
Is the situation at the moment a national farce? Yes, in many ways, but nothing like the farce of having Trump as Pres. The US can hold its head up and say, "Look we are in recovery!"
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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