Originally Posted by SGR
No offense, but I think it's all political theatre. Trump will get at most a slap on the wrist, some measley fines, and maybe a few sternly worded letters. And he'll raise millions in campaign donations as a result.
Edit: If either party cared about crimes presidents committed, they would've introduced George W. Bush to the electric chair by now. After a fair trial before his cronies and peers of course.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Of course it's political theater and and anyone trying to sell you on anything loftier is sucking the cock of the West Wing TV show but this isn't his most inconsequential potential indictment and if Georgia for instance decides to go after him for absolutely attacking democracy then that's good ****.
I'm afraid I really can't subscribe to this idea, even if there has been a political calculation to Trump's treatment thus far, (by which I mean going easier on him than on regular people).
On the other hand, the logic of the "no-one is above the law" argument is surely plain to see in the Hush Money Payment case: Michael Cohen was prosecuted, convicted and jailed for the same crime. Now it's Trump's turn. The justice system has already blown through the precedent of indicting a former Pres and I'm hopeful that it does more than the "slap on the wrist" that you predict, SGR.
The idea that the US Congress has refrained from putting him in front of a firing squad by this point certainly shows that our government is scared to do anything real but I guess you do whatever
This is a pretty fanciful piece of hyperbole imo: of course, no firing squads in the USA anymore but that doesn't mean that the courts have stopped doling out "anything real". I suppose, again, the answer is to wait and see what happens. I hope that Trump faces significant punishment. If no-one has the courage to send him to jail, perhaps there'll be house arrest, "in consideration of his age" or something sim.
Originally Posted by SGR
Y'know, when I was young lad, the first 'snuff film' I ever saw on the internet was the hanging of Saddam Hussein. When I later learned from my dad that he had nothing to do with "Weapons of Mass Destruction", I naively expected the same thing would happen to the the leader of our country...
That's interesting, SGR. I also remember the pitiful photos of the executed Saddam Hussein: they kind of stick in the mind.
Sorry your expectations of Bush being lynched didn't come to pass, but there's a huge difference between the Bush and Trump cases: Bush can claim he was mis-informed,(which is what the UK Prime Minister did on the same issue), and didn't technically break any US laws afaik. With Trump, we have the receipts, as they say: for obstructing the repossession of classified docs, for election interference (that Georgia phone call), etc, etc.
To me, Trump's biggest crime is to have caused the unecessary death of thousands of Americans by his deliberate downplaying of Covid and his misguided support for a curative regimen of bleach and horse laxatives. Thousands and thousands of Americans died because of Trump's policies at that time, but there is no court case pending, because, like Bush, he didn't technically break a law while misleading the whole nation.