As part of this...

A project-within-a-project, I intend to very soon begin watching this. I have not seen one single episode, not even a trailer, so I'm coming to it completely blank. I'll be doing my usual, writing a synopsis, giving my views and thoughts and then as it progresses and I watch more, seeing if it gets better, worse, or even if I keep watching. If you've seen it please keep spoilers out. I literally have not seen this and I don't want it ruined. If for some reason you want to watch along with me honestly why do I bother? Nobody ever has, and nobody ever will do that. But if some mad impulse seizes you and you feel you want to, by all means do, and let me know you are.
I can't say how regular this will be, as I also intend to watch this from the beginning, another one I haven't seen anything at all from, so I'll post as I watch and I'll watch as I get time in my schedule.