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Old 03-29-2023, 05:32 PM   #19 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
this is what I'm saying as an atheist though

I don't think about my lack of belief in God anymore than my lack of belief in ghosts

but these satanists or whatever are obsessed with God
Gotchya my bad, I misunderstood. Regarding your second statement however its a bit of a false equivalence. Someone believing in ghosts most likely isnt going to effect how they treat other human beings, or vote, or their fundamental understanding of the world around them. Religion however strongly effects all of those things. It is responsible for massive amounts of policies/laws/rules/opinions/etc that HUGELY effect peoples lives. Just look to the news today with talk about the trans community or recent abortion rulings...Nearly all because of religion. I would argue being indifferent as an atheist, while not a bad thing is certain not something to be proud of.

Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Do you think about your lack of religion at all when you see religiously-influenced policy or government action like overturning Roe v Wade? That's more what tst is about beyond the cringey metalheads.
You hit the nail on the head. The constant argument told to atheists of "well why cant you just let people believe what they want it doesnt effect you" is morally abhorrent. How does a book or teachings that preach bigotry, anti science/health, and racism not effect everyone? Many religious people and atheists like seem to give religion a pass simply because it is so widespread.

At the end of the day its a belief that has no evidence of being true and that is never a good thing to hold.
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