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Old 03-27-2023, 03:06 PM   #5 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 18

Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
This is good advice but I also believe that if you are feeling depressed seek therapy. A psychiatrist may be able to help where none of these other things won't.

If your chemicals in your brain are off balance they won't be fixed so easily by these every day things.
Agree! I forgot this point. I’ve had a discussion with quite a few people now, trying to convince them that seeking therapy is much more important than what people tend to accept. Either they believe that therapy is a waste of time and money, or they feel that seeking this would make them a total loser. The truth is, it’s quite the opposite. More people should try talking to a psychiatrist cause only good things can come from it. If you feel like a failure for needing therapy, then remember that there are sooooo many people with various issues. Everyone probably has several neighbours, friends and colleagues who struggle with something in everyday life. That’s because excisting is tough. Most people need to work hard to stay happy and sane, but sadly this isn’t something we tend to talk about as much as we should.
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