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Old 03-12-2023, 01:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Default SGR's Gold Mine: Music I'm Listening To

A while back, I started a journal about albums I felt were underappreciated. I've been wanting to go back to it, but haven't felt the spark yet to actually feel like writing enough to make it anything besides work. So, in lieu of that, I decided I'll do one of the these - the classic "what am I listening to" journals. This will serve hopefully as an outlet to exercise the linguistic part of my brain and perhaps even motivate me to start other journals I'd find worthwhile (like discography reviews) or return to my old underappreciated album journal.

Anyways, I'll provide a Youtube link to a track - or maybe an album, and give a brief explanation for what I like about it. Or, maybe I'll feel lazy and just provide a link. It'll depend on my mood. Let's begin.
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