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Old 03-10-2023, 07:33 AM   #7628 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Guybrush View Post
Not specifically about Frowns, but if any mod doesn't give a **** about the rules or policy they're supposed to follow, they're constantly going to undermine each other's work. Moderation is gonna get chaotic, like it was here. A moderator who believes the rules are valid would have to sit and watch another moderator break those rules without a second thought because they have their own idea. You're gonna get in eachothers way and undermine eachother's work. Hence, if a mod is allowed to have their own policy that breaks with written or other policies, you basically can't have a policy.

It'sa little tiresome watching moderation here flailing, so even though I doubt anyone will give it a second glance or think of it as anything much more than douche-baggery, I'm gonna make a suggestion that I do think would be constructive if taken seriously.

The mod team could and should do the following:
  • Figure out what your goals for moderation is
  • Based on that, create something like a common policy and review the rules to match that
  • Set up a basic moderation guideline for how to deal with certain issues (like you should be using the infractions system as it creates a moderation log for each user)
  • Set up a system of threads or an IM group or a yearly meeting so that you can review the work you do and improve on it

Some upsides to this:
  • Moderating alone, you have to take responsibility for every mistake you make. Act as a team following a procedure, some of that weight is taken off because the fault may lie with the procedure. Your back is a little freer.
  • People will be have a much better idea of what to expect and how to behave in order to avoid some kind of sanction. That could improve behaviour across the boards.
  • It will be easier to turn to eachother for help because you're following the same procedure and pursuing the same set of goals
  • It could actually turn the mod team into a team instead of a bunch of rogue agents with mod powers

I know this probably comes off as real preachy stuff coming from an annoying know-it-all, but I hope any mod can see some sense in this. It doesn't mean you have to become draconic - there's nothing in here that says things need to be stricter - but it's a low hanging fruit that could drastically improve how this site is managed.
The problem is that no one currently modded has the time or drive to take on such an initiative. It’s a thankless job for sure, I felt it when I was a mod, but I have to wonder why cling on to mod status if you can’t invest your attention and care to such matters? There’s no shame in stepping down, there are active users that could fulfill the role and bring new energy to a tired team - thinking of SGR, Queen Boo, Synthgirl specifically - because nothing can flourish in an apathetic environment.

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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