Not specifically about Frowns, but if any mod doesn't give a **** about the rules or policy they're supposed to follow, they're constantly going to undermine each other's work. Moderation is gonna get chaotic, like it was here. A moderator who believes the rules are valid would have to sit and watch another moderator break those rules without a second thought because they have their own idea. You're gonna get in eachothers way and undermine eachother's work. Hence, if a mod is allowed to have their own policy that breaks with written or other policies, you basically can't have a policy.
It'sa little tiresome watching moderation here flailing, so even though I doubt anyone will give it a second glance or think of it as anything much more than douche-baggery, I'm gonna make a suggestion that I do think would be constructive if taken seriously.
The mod team could and should do the following:
- Figure out what your goals for moderation is
- Based on that, create something like a common policy and review the rules to match that
- Set up a basic moderation guideline for how to deal with certain issues (like you should be using the infractions system as it creates a moderation log for each user)
- Set up a system of threads or an IM group or a yearly meeting so that you can review the work you do and improve on it
Some upsides to this:
- Moderating alone, you have to take responsibility for every mistake you make. Act as a team following a procedure, some of that weight is taken off because the fault may lie with the procedure. Your back is a little freer.
- People will be have a much better idea of what to expect and how to behave in order to avoid some kind of sanction. That could improve behaviour across the boards.
- It will be easier to turn to eachother for help because you're following the same procedure and pursuing the same set of goals
- It could actually turn the mod team into a team instead of a bunch of rogue agents with mod powers
I know this probably comes off as real preachy stuff coming from an annoying know-it-all, but I hope any mod can see some sense in this. It doesn't mean you have to become draconic - there's nothing in here that says things need to be stricter - but it's a low hanging fruit that could drastically improve how this site is managed.