Music Banter - View Single Post - 100 Albums in 100 Days
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Old 03-08-2023, 05:19 AM   #6 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Key View Post
Oh man, I'd never assume you to steal ideas. Plus, it's not exactly the most original idea, I more-so am choosing to do it because I'm just interesting in expanding my library of albums, and this seems like a neat way to do it. I also haven't talked about music in this journal section in quite some time and I wanted to change that. I wanted to go the random recommendation route because Spotify will typically recommend albums I'll enjoy, and I feel like it's more fun to listen to stuff you'd probably enjoy instead of trying to force yourself to listen to something completely out of your wheel house. There are exceptions to that obviously. I'm generally open minded but I do still have certain lanes that I stay in. It'll be interesting to see what roads I end up on over the next few weeks.
That's quite interesting, because my random thing is specifically geared to push me to listen to albums/artists I may never have heard of, may hate, or may end up loving. Trying to expand the old genre boundaries a bit here.

Typically, the first one that came up totally at random was a heavy metal album!
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