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Old 03-06-2023, 03:09 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
And my point is that regardless, "protecting women" is either a post-hoc rationalization or a feint to cover for more insidious pseudo-moralizing. If there's an actual problem then it can be dealt with as an actual problem rather than concern trolling about imaginary boogeymen.
I don't think it's as important as you do what the original rationale was. What's more important to me is the pragmatic purpose it currently serves. I'm sure there are all sorts of things we still use that were created based on outdated thinking but we still use them if they work.

So the more interesting question is what are you saying, that there's better ways to organize it and address those problems than sexual segregation? I can't really tell where you stand.

I think like I said they only protect women so it won't affect me if they integrate any of this ****, but I can see why they might want to keep it separate.

But it depends on which issue we mean. I think the bathroom thing could fairly easily be integrated if we had a less prudish society but again, I also think it would be primarily women who have a problem with it.

As far as prisons go, men's prison is so much more of a violent place than women's prison. It feels like throwing lions and gazelles into the same prison.

As for sports, I really could care less. Do steroids. Take hormones. Get CTE. Anything to win!
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