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Old 03-06-2023, 01:05 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Some of my favorite movies (pt. 1)

Some of my favorite movies (pt.1)

Like I mentioned in the OP, I don't watch a lot of TV or movies, but the ones I do watch I typically really enjoy. I usually will stick to genres that I like whether it's horror or indie, etc etc. I also don't really enjoy action movies very much because I find it both hard to believe and secondly just overall really boring. There are a few exceptions, but not many. Anyway, here are some of my favorites:

The Royal Tenenbaums
I love Wes Anderson movies, and although I have not seen every single one, The Royal Tenenbaums was the first one I ever saw and from then on, I really enjoyed Wes Anderson style films. He's got a very good eye for angles and the ability to let the movie sort of present itself without really giving anything away. A lot of shots that he does in his movies are some of my favorites in any movie. I really enjoy his stuff probably more than other directors and it's simply because I find his movies interesting. Like I said, his movies don't always directly give things away which as a viewer, is really fun. I've watched The Royal Tenenbaums countless times throughout my life and I have enjoyed it for different reasons each time I watch it. Because I catch new things each time. That's always exciting.

The Butterfly Effect
This movie has Ashton Kutcher in it, and while it may not be his best role he's ever done, and certainly not my favorite of his, I still think the movie is pretty good. I've lost count of the amount of times I've watched it. It's definitely one of my favorite movies for various reasons, but one being that I was relatively young when I saw it for the first time, so it has that sense of nostalgia to it. On top of that, while the movie has a pretty unorthodox plotline and surely there are many plot holes throughout, I still have found enjoyment from watching it each time I've watched it. It's nothing truly believable and I doubt this would ever happen to anybody in real life, but the characters and story are interesting enough for me to get enjoyment out of it despite seeing the movie as many times as I have. This and The Royal Tenenbaums are probably tied as far as my favorite movie of all time. However, I don't even really know if either of these are my absolute favorites, but i'll just say they're both tied for #1 right now.

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
I've talked about how much I love this movie amongst the other Star Wars movies, but even as a movie on its own, it's one of my personal favorites and one that I see myself easily watching again and again and again. I mentioned before that I don't see much redeeming qualities in the new sequel of movies, but I have always held the opinion that the prequels are not nearly as bad as people make them out to be. Sure, Jar Jar Binks is out there as far as character design goes, and sure, Hayden may not be the best actor ever. But this all changes with Revenge of the Sith because I feel like everybody knew that this was the movie that was going to connect the prequels to the original trilogy and in my opinion, it was done pretty well. I still hold the Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Anakin Skywalker fight at the end of Revenge of the Sith as one of the best lightsaber fights in all of the Star Wars movies.

Halloweentown / Halloweentown 2: Kalabar's Revenge
I grew up when Disney Channel Original Movies were a thing, and man, thanks to Disney+ for allowing me to relive my childhood that is these movies. Johnny Tsunami, The Thirteenth Year, Brink, all these movies amongst many others really shaped my childhood by providing hours upon hours of movie entertainment. The two that I really enjoyed out of the bunch were definitely Halloweentown and Halloweentown 2: Kalabar's Revenge. I will be talking more about Disney Channel Original Movies in a separate post at some point, but I'm choosing to focus on these two now because they really are two of my favorite movies of all time. And recently, I watched Halloweentown 2: Kalabar's Revenge recently after years of not watching it, and absolutely enjoyed every second of it. It's not the best movie ever made, but for me, I get everything I want out of it. Just a fun lighthearted movie with some really good moments.
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