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Old 02-23-2023, 05:19 AM   #38 (permalink)
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I'm not saying "people were like that back then". I'm saying people are STILL like that. I'm not for a moment excusing his behaviour, as I think I said. I'm just saying we're not in a situation here where, another guy on board the SM finding America wouldn't have done the same. The idea across Europe was, and to some extent still is, though not as upfront, that the white European was the apex and all other civilisations were inferior. You seem to keep thinking I'm giving him a pass and shrugging and saying it wasn't his fault, he was a man of his time. I'm not: I'm saying no matter who "discovered" America for Europe, the same thing would have happened.

Basically, tl;dr: fuck Columbus but anyone in his time and we would have been saying fuck that guy.

I've explained it now and I'm not going to engage in any more argument about it with you, as you seem to want to have a debate that doesn't exist.
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