Originally Posted by The Batlord
I think nuance is great but at a certain point you gotta make a judgement call and he's reached my limit. Do I have a smoking gun? No. Am I willing to give him the benefit of the doubt anyway? Also no. He's a piece of **** for any number.of reasons (f.ex. calling black people monkeys) and I'm just done with him and don't want him on this forum.
When it comes to things like pedophilia then no, that would be using it too lightly. Do you fully realise how grave a thing that is?
And thy is there a need to make a judgement call anyway? You can realise he's creepy, problematic, sexually inappropriate and
possibly a pedo without making the full accusation. To stick with your example, you can not let someone babysit a child to be sure of safety, without such an accusation. You also have enough reasons not to want him on this forum without such an accusation (and I agree, don't lump me in with the people who don't)