Originally Posted by Synthgirl
Thanks SGR and Batlord for catching me up. Even during my lurker days I tended to mostly just read the music forums so I’m largely oblivious to a lot of the personal drama here.
You're better off for it
Originally Posted by Trollheart
Whether it's true or not, whether it's new or not, he's deliberately bringing up stuff he doesn't seem to have the guts to say to the guy, who is, basically, next door.
I'm just saying; sounds a little of a dick move to me when he could easily say this to the guy's face, but chooses not to.
I mean, couldn't OH just as easily come back here if he takes issue with how Batlord is characterizing him? He still lurks, it's not like he's banned or anything. Why is the onus on Batlord to go to a different forum? And surely you must remember the many exchanges between OH/Batlord when OH frequented here. It's not like you've gotta have the fortitude of Joan of Arc to talk **** to someone else behind a screen on a music forum.