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Old 02-20-2023, 10:25 PM   #24268 (permalink)
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A story about a girl trying to locate her missing mother. Exclusively shown on a computer screen jumping back and forth between messages, videos, security cameras, facetime calls, internet posts, etc. Could easily be gimmicky, but it was handled with enough care to pull it off. They take a very Hitchcock meets telanovela approach with their direct cinematographic homages, tight pacing, and suspenseful twists and turns. With the form it's also a surprisingly good in theatres, I almost wonder which direction of effect watching it on my computer would bring. It's brought down quite a bit by the teenagery plot (which I guess makes sense for a film with a teenage protagonist), garbage stock music, and general Hallmark/Lifetime film vibes, but overall I thought it was a super fun watch. It also put Storma Reid on my radar, I think she'll wind up in some amazing roles.

Spoiler for .:
I liked the schmaltzy ending too.

Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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