I saw Eddie Griffith Adele Givens Tommy Davidson Bill Bellamy and Smoky Saurez all on the same night. They were having a Valentines Day special. Bill was the host but I wish he did a full set. My girl was so hyped to see Eddie and he let her the **** down lol.
He decided to roast different races and sexualities. He went in hard on gays dropping the F bomb for like 15 mins straight. I kinda wanted to get up and leave. I wasn't there for the homophobic BS. Near the end of his set he goes on a mini apology tour of the different races but never says anything towards the gays so it made me feel like it was more than just jokes and he meant some of that ****. Adele Givens should've been the headliner she was constantly funny and had me dying throughout her whole set.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.
Originally Posted by RoxyRollah
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
You're a terrible dictionary.