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Old 02-16-2023, 02:20 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Default 2009 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Video Game)


I'm going to talk about X-Men Origins: Wolverine today because I honestly have not thought about this game since I played it originally back in 2009. And I remember really enjoying my time with it because not only was it pretty accessible being a hack n slash, but it was also a pretty good game if I remember correctly. Some of my memories of it will evidently be faded as I again have not played this game in over 10 years, it feels like.

If you know of the film by the same game, you basically get the jist of what the game is going for so I won't really go through the story very much. The strong point of the game in my opinion is the choice to go hack n slash style. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is heavily influenced by the gameplay of God of War and Devil May Cry with it being in the third person perspective. And honestly, it's great. I don't really remember getting terribly frustrated with this game because the gameplay was so much fun that it didn't really matter much. It was one of those games where you as the player felt like a total badass, with a variety of moves and combos to perform on enemies. It's that same feeling of thrill you get from the combat in games like God of War, or Dante's Inferno, etc etc.

As long as it has been since I've played this game, it's also been a long time since I've seen the movie. But again, much like this game, I remember enjoying the movie. More than most, I'm sure. But i'm must easier to please with movies than I am with video games. Not to say either are bad, but they definitely are not bad. I would honestly recommend both if you've not seen or played either one. I don't really know how easy it is to find a copy of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but for a game that released this long ago, I gotta say, going by the images I'm looking at, it still holds up. Hell, I'm sure I'd have even more fun playing it now that I've gotten more used to games like this.
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