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Old 02-11-2023, 04:49 PM   #186 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jun 2022
Location: Montauban, France
Posts: 130

Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
Thanks for the new round, TH!

Well done, Saulaac - I'm having a difficult time with this round so far.

Due to the conversation yesterday, I fell asleep watching aircraft near-miss landings on YouTube last night.
A couple of years ago I went down a rabbit hole concerning the investigation of the (still) missing MH370 plane. Came across WSPR ham radio data, which is basically thousands of amateur radio enthusiasts globally who communicate with each other via radio signals. To cut a long story short, some of them claim that the radio data collected on the fateful night in 2014 could point to the location of MH370 in the Indian ocean. So far their claims appear to have been ignored by the search authorities (budgets, technology is not credible etc.)

It's too technical for me, but I find the idea of people pinging radio waves from their homes and garden sheds, thereby creating a huge global grid of information, absolutely fascinating. The fact that a commercial airliner has been lost (with families not knowing what happened to their loved ones) is quite scary to say the least.
Aerospace engineer Richard Godfrey has written a few papers on it, and his blog has some forum discussion from the scientific community:

And last but not least, with a high inter-sonar confidence level, I propose that Song 1 is "Don't Give Up" - Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush

"We attained manhood with fortitude in this country of which I am not ashamed / In this proud land we grew up strong"
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