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Old 01-28-2023, 11:56 AM   #110 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
The movie was really ****ing bad. It's like if Good Morning America produced it. Here's a story about a flawed man who never felt he was worth anything, and pursued a life of crime to get the money he loved.

Baz Luhrmann: "Let's put Jay-Z in it!"

I remember at the time he said something like "Jazz was new for them, and Rap is like that now." But Gatsby game out in 2013. Like, 30 years after rap was new.
should have gotten Will Smith instead lol. He can turn any bland POS into a box office hit with his hip hopping ways.

Look at the comment section of that video too. Will Smith dickriders are legion.
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